
Certified Organic White Bunching Onions


Hybrid Lacinato Type Kale - Certified Organic


Certified Organic Purple Scallions


Certified Organic Red Onions for Kentucky Latitudes


Yellow storage onion for Kentucky latitudes


Pink Shallots for Kentucky Latitudes


Certified Organic Fresh Market Green Cabbage

Asian Greens

Bopak Bok Choy



Certified Organic Hybrid Purple Kohlrabi


Certified Organic Purple Scallions


Diva Cucumber


Parthenocarpic cucumber for harvesting smaller cucumbers. Adapted to field or high tunnel production.


Specialty Pointed Leaf Organic Green Cabbage

Hybrid Tomatoes



Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

Cherokee Purple


Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

Striped German


Certified Organic


Hybrid Red Kale - Certified Organic


Bristol Cucumber


Good disease resistance. Our standard field grown cucumber for CSA and wholesale markets. Similar look as Marketmore 76, which was our standard for many years.


Certified Organic


Kossak Kohlrabi


Certified Organic Hybrid Large White Kohlrabi


All-around performer. 100% male plants

Hybrid Tomatoes

Mountain Magic


Certified Organic, Hybrid Salad Tomato that provides excellent disease resistance. Great choice for high tunnel or open-field production.


Price includes a $25/1000 royalty fee


Certified Organic

Hybrid Tomatoes



Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes



Certified Organic


Price Includes a $25/1000 royalty fee

Hybrid Tomatoes

Big Beef Plus


Certified Organic, Hybrid Round Red Slicer

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

German Johnson


Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

Martha Washington (F1)


Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

Speckled Roman


Roma Type Tomato, Certified Organic

Hybrid Tomatoes



Roma Type Tomato, Certified Organic

Summer Squash

Dunja Zucchini


Organic Green Zucchini


Millennium (F1)


All-around performer adapted to heavier soils.

Hybrid Tomatoes

Mt. Fresh Plus


Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

Amish Paste


Certified Organic

Heirloom/Heirloom Type Tomatoes

San Marzano II


Certified Organic

Hybrid Tomatoes

Cherry Bomb


Roma Type Tomato, Certified Organic

Hybrid Tomatoes

Five Star Grape


Roma Type Tomato, Certified Organic

Small/Salad Tomatoes




Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic


Certified Organic