Get a Bouquet Every Week


They’re beautiful; add diversity to our crop plan; are beneficial to pollinators; and provide a new way to support Lazy Eight Stock Farm, with no food prep required…

Last year, for the first time on the farm, we grew sunflowers, zinnias, forget-me-nots, dill, strawflowers and a few other flowers as field crops. Many of you commented that the bouquets we sold at market were a nice complement to our vegetable offerings. For all these reasons, this year, we’re adding our first ever CSA flower share!

We will still sell bouquets at farmers markets, but if you want to be sure to get a bouquet, sign up fast. We are capping our first year at 50 flower shares. The season runs June through September, and the price comes in at $18 per bouquet. As with the vegetable CSA, you can get a flower share weekly, or every other week. 

Cait McClanahan is leading this new adventure. While she personally loves flowers, she’s most excited about trying something new, and all the things we’re learning as we develop this offering. Last fall, we started many new (to us) flowers in one of our high tunnels, where spring vegetable crops will soon be planted. The pollinators visiting the flowers will also benefit the veggies! In December, we started many other new (to us) flowers in trays in the heated greenhouse: things like lisianthus, snapdragons, eucalyptus, stock, cinnamon dill and dahlias. And we’ll add more new offerings to what we direct seed in the fields. 

Bryce reflects that, on the farm where many things fall on the utilitarian end of the spectrum, it’s nice to add the extravagance of flowers. They bloom, wilt and die, and we just get to witness their beauty.

Purchase a Flower or Veggie Share Today

Porch Flowers

Cait, Anna, Bryce

2023 Market Bouquet Prep Day

Susan, Chrissy, Cait

Zinnia’s in the field

Summer 2023