Joana Amorim and Michael Beck from Sylvatica Forest Farm in Kentucky are now offering home-grown mushrooms through our CSA program. They focus on sustainable, regenerative farming, climate change solutions, and education. Joana, from Portugal, is an experienced herbalist with expertise in permaculture, herbalism, and eco-friendly practices.
Category Archives: CSA News
Join our Flower CSA for weekly or every-other-week bouquets!
Fermented foods are healthy and delicious. They’re the original probiotics, with living bacteria that create enzymes and add vitamins. They also have a zingy flavor that’s addictive. All ferments are pickled, but not all pickles are fermented. Most pickles you buy at the grocery store are “quick-pickled” with vinegar rather than naturally fermented. They don’t […]
Don’t be intimidated by kohlrabi! Part bulb, part greens, it’s like a cross between a radish, jicama, broccoli, and collard greens. Here are our favorite ways to eat the underrated vegetable. Source: What to Do with Kohlrabi? 8 Delicious Ideas
Social Media isn’t for everyone, but it is a good way to see what’s happening on the farm! Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to see the work happening behind the scenes that makes CSA possible. Check us out!
With the unusually cool spring this year, we need to delay our first scheduled CSA u-pick date. The May 20th date has been cancelled, and we are planning for the first strawberry u-pick on SUNDAY, MAY 27TH Strawberries should begin showing up in CSA shares the week of May 21st! MORE DETAILS WILL BE POSTED […]
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