FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS We had a nice time getting together with all the folks that made it out to the farm potluck. There was some amazing food on the table, and I don’t think anyone left hungry. As the seasons change and the farm begins to quiet, we are pondering all the ways […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS It’s hard to believe we’re about to dive into November! Just today I caught myself saying that I wasn’t even going to start the fencing project before the 1st of November… When things are busy, so much goes to the wayside. Finding time to slow down and hang out can […]
FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS Dry beans are a new crop for the farm. I ordered some seed several years ago, but hadn’t set aside any time to undertake the project until this summer. We certainly aren’t the first farmers around here to undertake the challenge, and a lot of credit should go to Susana […]
FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS As some of the farm work slows down this time of year, lots of other jobs begin to surface. The rain yesterday provided us with a good opportunity to get caught up on some of the farm office work, and we also had a great meeting with Nathan Routt from […]
FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS Over the last week I’ve been working on an organic grower grant proposal to get resources to improve our packing shed. Part of the grant writing process is of course to step back and take a bird’s eye view: how will we use grant resources to achieve greater sustainability? It […]
FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS Anna loves to tell the story about how I gave myself a double hernia at four years old, digging a hole in the ground for fun. Sometimes we Baumanns keep trying things when we probably ought to just quit! Growing eggplant is another example of a task requiring persistence (or […]
FARM NEWS FROM THE FARMERS We finally sold all our feeder cattle on Friday. As many of you know, about 18 months ago we experienced a BVDV outbreak in our herd of freshly weaned, light weight feeder calves that were new to the farm. We experienced a catastrophic loss of around 30% of our herd […]
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