Midsummer’s Eve



Ask most people what draws them to CSA, to farmers’ markets and U-picks, and the answer usually includes a desire to be connected to the land and the people that grow the food sustaining them. It’s part of what drew me to Bryce, to the lifestyle that our partnership promised.

On our end, we benefit from that desire through the dollars you spend to support our farm, but also from our relationships. We are grateful to call many of you friends.

Over the last year, we have been especially nourished by the opportunity to take part in a creative process with friends and CSA members Carrie Brunk and Bob Martin that will produce, among other things, a very special evening of story, music, food and land on Saturday, August 2nd, at their festival grounds on Clear Creek. The event is appropriately and intriguingly titled “A Midsummer’s Eve.”

The four course feast that evening will feature food from our farm as well as other local farms. While we always enjoy knowing that folks are eating our produce, being invited into the creation of this event–even though we’ve only participated in a few small ways–has been powerful in new ways for us. If you’ve seen Lothar’s woodworking, then you know he is an artist, but the rest of our family has always felt a little lacking in that department!

Recognizing the power of storytelling, of listening to the land and music for all of us, we invite you to check out the opportunities at Clear Creek in the coming month. In addition to Midsummer’s Eve, you’ll have a couple chances to experience the Kentucky premiere of “Cry You One,” a performance that hails from New Orleans and tells the story of disappearing wetlands. The flyer is below, and you can learn more on Carrie and Bob’s website, www.clearcreekcreative.net. Good food will be available at all events!


Cry You One & Midsummer Eve Front-Back Flyer_Page_1

Cry You One & Midsummer Eve Front-Back Flyer_Page_2WEEK #10 CSA SHARE CONTENTS

  • DILL